Friday, May 6, 2011


Do you have a favorite creation? I do. I've written countless poems and narratives over the years, but for some reason, my favorite is "In Memoriam," a poem I wrote a few months ago and published on my blog. I love this poem because of the love I put into it. Each word, each image was carefully chosen in order to illustrate an experience too beautiful to bury in abstraction and cliché. In the end, the piece "worked" for me, but I had no idea whether anyone else would appreciate it. I'm flattered that there are people out there who do. Check out the poem on Bolts of Silk, and while you're at it, explore the fantastic collection of poetry from around the world that Crafty Green Poet has anthologized there:


  1. That's great news - and a great poem too.
    Well done you!

  2. thanks for the link, I'm delighted to have published your work!
