Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Confessional

Last week I began a light-hearted new tradition on the blog, the Sunday Confessional. Read here for more info. Today I'd like to confess my feelings about your fashion choices. That of course requires me to admit that I am no fashionista. I often mismatch my clothes and flaunt the fads a year too late. I never 'do' my hair and I'm lucky if I remember to put on underwear, let alone put together a fabulous outfit. But I, like most of us, am nonetheless a critic, and here are my confessions about your style choices:

I silently scorn people who wear

  • Shorts in public (unless you're at the beach or on a hike)
  • Flipflops to church
  • Bras with strapless tops
  • The Snooki hairdo - WTFuck is up with your hair?
  • Cropped pants - Will Utah women ever give up the cropped pants? No one else wears them anymore!
  • Che Guevara shirts (because  most of you have no idea who you're wearing)

I privately admire people who

  • Defiantly keep and show off their body hair (like men who let their chest fur poke out of their shirts)
  • Wear itty-bitty swimsuits at the beach - especially when they are unflattering
  • Never wear makeup
  • Don't mind wearing the same outfit today as yesterday - they only wore it for a couple hours last night...

Feel free to confess your own sins, whether fashion-related or not, in the comments!


  1. I like to repeat outfits. and not wear make up. :)

  2. I'm going to go ahead and throw in some of my peeves:

    1) "low riding" jeans that subject the rest of the world to really unfortunate mind searing images;

    2) shirts or hats with vulgarities (e.g., "rock out with my c*ck out" or "boob inspector");

    3) fringe of any kind attached to a shirt/dress/skirt.

  3. Kelsey - I'm repeating an outfit RIGHT NOW :)

    Elvira - Yes, I agree completely! I am tired of seeing people's buttcracks because their low-riding jeans and their "I Heart Soccer Moms" shirts just don't manage to cover it up. :)
